Greek Mythology Wiki

Hippolyta was a queen of the Amazons. She had a magic girdle.


Otrera & Ares



  • Hippolyta is the queen of the Amazons in Greek mythology. Daughter of Ares and Atrera. Some poets identify with Hippolita the queen of the Amazons, kidnapped by Theseus and first called Antiopa.
  • According to Apollonius, Hippolyta is the sister of Melanippa, who was kidnapped by Hercules and Hippolyta gave the belt to him. According to Diodorus, Heracles took the queen Melanippa captive, but let her go free after taking away the belt.
  • According to Simonides, Hippolytus was the wife of Theseus. Hippolytus was the fruit of his union with her.
  • According to the Megarian version, Hippolytus was the sister of Antiope, defeated in the war with Athens, she fled to Megara and died of grief. She is buried at Megara. Either Hippolita was accidentally killed in a hunt by her sister Penfesilea


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