Greek Mythology Wiki

Khaos (Latin: Chaos; Translation: Gap, Chasm or Space) was the first Protogenoi to emerge at the creation of the universe followed by Gaia, Tartaros and Eros.[9]

Khaos was the lower atmosphere which surronded the Earth. She was also a goddess of fate.

She had Erebus and Nyx without a mate, some also say she had Aither and Hemera, The Moirai, Eros and The Birds.


  1. Theogony
  2. Orphic
  3. Aristophanes Birds
  4. Theogony, Hyginus Preface
  5. Preface
  6. Smyrnaeus
  7. Halieutica
  8. Birds
  9. Theogony (This part is often misread as making them her children.